
The Society relies on your support. Individuals’ donations help underwrite the cost of the ensembles we present.  Contributions may be sent to:

The Chamber Music Society of Williamsburg
P.O. Box 1526
Williamsburg, VA 23187-1526

Let us know how you would like to be acknowledged in our printed concert programs. Contributions received less than two weeks before a concert will be acknowledged in the following concert program.

The Chamber Music Society of Williamsburg is a 501(c)(3)organization. Contributions may be tax deductible.  (Please check with a tax professional.)


While ticket purchases and unrestricted donations cover CMSW’s ongoing annual operating expenses, funding for the Endowment helps ensure our future stability. The Endowment is conservatively invested. Only the dividends are spent, with the principal remaining intact. Dividend earnings may be drawn upon by the Board of Directors as needed, based on long-term strategic priorities for the benefit of our contributors.